Can you imagine this hyped-up spineless android, negotiating with foreign leaders or answering that 3:00 a.m. call in the White House? Romney is a candidate who will say one thing on a given subject on Monday and change completely by Tuesday, all while claiming he didn't say what he said on Monday. He is an egocentric mendacious liar who doesn't have a consistent stance on anything, he stands for nothing! You don't have to take my word for it: watch Romney, the 'Flip-Flopper-in-Chief', in action. Apparently he thinks we're all stupid. Well, I must say, judging from what I'm seeing his assumption is right about a lot of folks on that accord.
My question(s)? Who are these foolish people planning to vote for Romney? We know wealthy folks have a reason to vote for him...he'll be their president and make sure the rich get richer. But who are these other non-wealthy folks in the equation that have his spite of having seen the infamous '47 Percent' video of him behind closed doors saying they're moochers and that "his job is not to worry about those people?" Are they uninformed, misinformed, naive or a combination there of? Or, perhaps they're the haters, you know...those who'll vote for anyone just to dethrone a black President? This group is the most disturbing because they're actually willing to trade off their own well being and see the country go backwards and down in flames for the hell that Romney would bring. Do any of these people understand that Romney has NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING, coming for them?
If you believe the media, Romney's favorability ratings surged upwards, past President Obama's, in 'polls' taken after the first presidential debate. Needless to say, nobody polled my opinion on anything. The surge was credited to some switching from President Obama and undecided voters deciding to vote for Romney. Mind you, this debate took place after the '47 Percent' video surfaced. I'm shocked and appalled that some people can be so dumb. Will somebody please tell me what Romney could have done or said in this, or any other debate, to cause any sane person to want to vote for him? After all, we all saw and heard him professing his despise and unmitigated disgust for the '47 percent' from his own despicable mouth. What more do you need to hear people, really? Romney could have shown up at the debate with a halo above his head and it wouldn't have changed my opinion about him one bit. Satan is a liar and so is Romney. I'm just saying!
For me, it's not about Black, it's about Fact. To those myopic pundits who allege that blacks vote for President Obama based solely on race, I have one question. I've been voting since I was 18 years old - tell me what black presidential candidate I voted for prior to President Obama?
There's a lot at stake in the 2012 presidential election. It's unfortunate that some will be casting their votes based on hatred, conscious ignorance and/or reckless stupidity regarding issues that will impact the lives of so many. Likewise, there are some who won’t vote at all or will vote for
Romney simply because their Pastor is waging an ‘Anti Obama Campaign’ in opposition to the
president's support for gay marriage. Now this group falls in a special category of mindlessness that I won't even bother irritating myself with by discussing it any further.
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~ JJBlogster ~